African Woman And Child Feature Service

What We Do

AWC is recognized as a champion for gender diversity and equality. We have a long history of media campaigns, advocacy, and lobbying for gender equality. We monitor media content and work with journalists, civil society organizations (CSOs), and various government agencies to ensure that gender becomes the cornerstone for policy-making and implementation and that the media becomes an effective platform for civic empowerment.
On a weekly basis, our Feature Service provides mainstream media houses with well-researched and investigative stories on various themes relevant to development, women, and children in Africa. Our research program provides content for books and training manuals for journalists and other practitioners on media, women, children, and development issues. We train journalists and development practitioners on gender analysis,gender-sensitive reporting, parliamentary reporting, media in conflicts situation, issues related to children, women, sexuality, and reproductive health. We train different groups on how to access and use the media effectively
AWC African perspective, on women’s rights, children, and gender issues through contributions to international dialogue and reporting on international conferences. Ever since we produced a daily newspaper in four languages during the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995), we have helped coordinate and disseminate the proceedings of critical international events through daily newspapers, cyber dialogues, and other means. In addition, and in collaboration with the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), AWC published Promises and Realities: Taking Stock of
the 3rd UN International Women’s Conference.