Goal: A media that is accessible, diverse, inclusive, and gender-sensitive in structure and content Objectives.
1. To strengthen the traditional and new media platforms that we have developed [Reject, Kenyan Woman, Tusemezane, Content Centres] and embrace emerging technologies.
2. To build the capacities of users [women, children, marginalized groups] of media to access, use, question, and critique the media.
3. To develop a cadre of journalists, sub-editors, and editors who embrace diversity in voices and allow more women and children to participate in public discourse. [TV and radio talk shows, call-back programs, social feedback].
4. To undertake research to generate information for knowledge and learning.
Broad activities
1. Hold meetings with content center leaders.
2. Undertake training with women, children, and marginalized groups on how to use the media.
3. Undertake training with journalists on media diversity.
4. Undertake editors’ meetings and training on the need to embrace diversity in voices.